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Quality Control »

...statistical best practices, going beyond standard field monitoring and on-site back-checking to assure data integrity, reliability and accuracy. Our quality control process includes a combination of the following: Questionnaire design and review Pilot testing Regular and comprehensive interviewer training In-person supervision of interviews Random in-person back-checks where a supervisor revisits a respondent after interviews are completed Random...

Training »

...ique projects, and lessons learned during field. ACSOR is committed to the safety of our field teams. The following field precautions are utilized: Interviewers work in provinces and districts where they have strong familiarity with the terrain, culture, and local dialects. They are trained to observe local conditions and judge any factors that could affect their safety. When fieldwork occurs in areas with ethnic strife or insurgency, interviewers...

WIN/Gallup International Association Releases 38th Annual End of Year Survey »

...se a mobile device say it enhances the quality of their life. [1] The State of Telecommunications and Internet in Afghanistan: Six Years Later (2006-2012). USAID Report. Online: http://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1871/The%20State%20of%20Telecoms%20and%20Internet%20%20in%20Afghanistan%20(2006-2012)%20Low-Res.pdf....

The Asia Foundation Releases 2015 Survey of the Afghan People »

...sm about the country’s overall direction has dropped: 57.5% of Afghans now say that things are moving in the wrong direction, up from 40.5% in last year’s survey, and the highest percentage to say so since the study began. Consistent with previous studies, Afghans name the security situation (42.7%), unemployment and the poor economy (35.5% together), and corruption (24.2%) as the country’s main problems.[1] For the first time, the survey asked ab...