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Asia Foundation Releases Initial Flash Phone Survey Findings »

...December 10, 2020, the Asia Foundation presented the findings of the first installment of the of the TAF Flash Phone Survey, which collected the opinions of over 4,300 Afghan men and women via Tablet-Assisted Phone Interviewing of a Random Digit Dialing (RDD) sample. The COVID-19 pandemic hindered the face-to-face fielding of the Asia Foundation’s annual Survey of the Afghan People (SAP) in 2020. However, the Foundation partnered with ACSOR-Survey...

WIN/Gallup International Association Releases 38th Annual End of Year Survey »

...dential election, when feelings of relief that the outcome did not lead to instability or violence were prevalent and citizens rallied around the new government.   Two-thirds of Afghan respondents (66%) report that they personally feel happy (‘very happy’ or ‘happy’) about their lives, and only 7% report feeling unhappy (‘very unhappy’ or ‘unhappy’). Slightly more than a quarter (27%) report that they feel ‘neither happy nor unhappy’ about their l...

Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) in Afghanistan »

...citing development means that urban surveys in Afghanistan can now be conducted on mobile devices as well as with pen and paper. RCS surveys can also be administered via tablet, on computers, or online. ACSOR looks forward to using this new technology in future projects when possible. For more information and key findings from the survey, please click here....

Sesame Workshop Debuts New Muppet for Afghanistan »

...ia outlets, including the New York Times, PBS News Hour, the BBC, and ABC News. [1] “Population, Ages 0-15, (% of Total),” World Bank Databank. Online: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.0014.TO.ZS....

Asia Foundation Releases 2017 Survey of the Afghan People »

...vent presentation, discussion, and question & answer session can be viewed online. The Asia Foundation held a follow-up event at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to discuss findings from the survey specifically related to the role of women in Afghan Society. As in previous years, the survey has received extensive coverage from international news media, including ABC News, Reuters, and U.S. News & World Report, as well as by Afghan me...

Asia Foundation Releases 2018 Survey of the Afghan People »

...tional Peace on December 6, 2018. Video of that presentation can be viewed online. As in previous years, the survey has received coverage in international news media, including Reuters, U.S. News & World Report, and Digital Journal, as well as from Afghan media such as Tolo News and Pahjwok. Conversation about the survey findings has been taking place across Twitter and other social media, marked with the hashtag #AfghanSurvey. The survey covers a...

Asia Foundation Releases 2019 Survey of the Afghan People »

...December 4, 2019 – The Asia Foundation has released findings from the 2019 installment of its annual Survey of the Afghan People, conducted by ACSOR-Surveys, Afghanistan’s largest survey research company, founded with the assistance of D3: Designs, Data, Decisions. Events to mark the release and present key findings were held both in Kabul and in Washington, DC at the U.S. Institute of Peace on December 3, 2019. Video of the full presentation, inc...