10 Search Results for Как жить и что делать дальше больше в insta---batmanapollo

ABC News Afghanistan Broadcast Based on ACSOR Data »

...athered in Afghanistan by ACSOR-Surveys. The special is being broadcast in installments over several segments. The research was sponsored by ABC News , the BBC and the ARD German TV. Coverage of the survey results has also been reported in the Associated Press, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, The Canadian Press and Die Welt, among others. As ABC reports, this year’s results find that hopes for a better future have soared in Afghanistan...

Gallup International Association Releases 42nd Annual End of Year Survey »

...ked about has declined. In a world increasingly defined by competition and instability, it is not surprising that respondents increasingly see their national interests as more important than international or global ones. Across all regions of the world, majorities say that national interests should come before international cooperation and globalization. Worldwide, 70% say that national interests should always come first: Afghans share this sentim...

Afghan Futures Data Presented at AAPOR »

...hy Van Blarcom from D3 Systems, Inc. drew from data collected in the third installment of the Afghan Futures Survey sponsored by ACSOR-Surveys, a nationally representative survey of 2,039 Afghans. This paper examines state legitimacy through a quantitative analysis of variables that influence perceptions of the central government’s legitimacy in Afghanistan. In April 2012, the Afghan Center for Socio-Economic and Opinion Research (ACSOR) fielded a...

ABC News ’2009′ Afghanistan: Where Things Stand Broadcast Based on ACSOR Data »

...gathered in Afghanistan by ACSOR-Surveys. The special will be broadcast in installments over several weeks. The research was sponsored by ABC News, the BBC and the German ARD. Results of the survey were presented at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) on February 11th by Gary Langer, Polling Director for ABC News. Coverage of the survey results has also been reported in the Associated Press, the Washington Post, the BBC and T...

Most Afghans in Favor of Agreement with Taliban that Limits Women’s Rights »

...istan, January 2, 2014 — Today D3 Systems releases results from the fourth installment of its Afghan Futures series, a nationally represented survey of 3,516 Afghans in all 34 provinces of the country, fielded in September 2013 by its subsidiary, ACSOR Surveys. Afghans are receptive to the possibility of a negotiated settlement between the central government and the Taliban even if women’s rights legally reinstated after the fall of the Taliban go...

Afghans Broadly Support New Government, Setting Aside Suspicions of Electoral Fraud »

...ghanistan, January 29, 2015 – Today, ACSOR releases results from the sixth installment of its Afghan Futures series, a nationally representative survey of 2,051 Afghans ages 18 and older in all 34 provinces of the country fielded in November 2014 in cooperation with D3 Systems and Langer Research. Afghans broadly support the new government and appear to have set aside suspicions of election fraud in order to move forward. While only 44 percent bel...

WIN/Gallup International Association Releases 38th Annual End of Year Survey »

...dential election, when feelings of relief that the outcome did not lead to instability or violence were prevalent and citizens rallied around the new government.   Two-thirds of Afghan respondents (66%) report that they personally feel happy (‘very happy’ or ‘happy’) about their lives, and only 7% report feeling unhappy (‘very unhappy’ or ‘unhappy’). Slightly more than a quarter (27%) report that they feel ‘neither happy nor unhappy’ about their l...

Asia Foundation Releases Study on Trade and Livelihoods in the Afghanistan-Pakistan Borderlands »

...y Institute, and local research partners. The project studies conflict and instability in border regions across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, and seeks to use the research to understand the causes and impacts of conflict in border areas, support more effective policymaking and development programming, and build the capacity of local institutions to advocate for peaceful change. Funding is provided by the Asia Foundation and UK aid from the UK...

Asia Foundation Releases 2019 Survey of the Afghan People »

...December 4, 2019 – The Asia Foundation has released findings from the 2019 installment of its annual Survey of the Afghan People, conducted by ACSOR-Surveys, Afghanistan’s largest survey research company, founded with the assistance of D3: Designs, Data, Decisions. Events to mark the release and present key findings were held both in Kabul and in Washington, DC at the U.S. Institute of Peace on December 3, 2019. Video of the full presentation, inc...

Asia Foundation Releases Initial Flash Phone Survey Findings »

...December 10, 2020, the Asia Foundation presented the findings of the first installment of the of the TAF Flash Phone Survey, which collected the opinions of over 4,300 Afghan men and women via Tablet-Assisted Phone Interviewing of a Random Digit Dialing (RDD) sample. The COVID-19 pandemic hindered the face-to-face fielding of the Asia Foundation’s annual Survey of the Afghan People (SAP) in 2020. However, the Foundation partnered with ACSOR-Survey...