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WIN/Gallup International Association Releases 38th Annual End of Year Survey »

...f relief that the outcome did not lead to instability or violence were prevalent and citizens rallied around the new government.   Two-thirds of Afghan respondents (66%) report that they personally feel happy (‘very happy’ or ‘happy’) about their lives, and only 7% report feeling unhappy (‘very unhappy’ or ‘unhappy’). Slightly more than a quarter (27%) report that they feel ‘neither happy nor unhappy’ about their lives. This finding is similar to...

Sesame Workshop Debuts New Muppet for Afghanistan »

...ramming to children around the world. A localized version for Afghan children called Baghch-e-Simsim, or Sesame Garden, has been running since November 2011. Afghanistan has a particular need for the services provided by Sesame Street due to its very young population and the fact that many children still do not have access to schools. Forty-five percent of the population is under the age of 14 according to World Bank estimates.[1] In order to prov...

Afghans Broadly Support New Government, Setting Aside Suspicions of Electoral Fraud »

...ions in the last few years and substantial optimism for the future. One potential reason is that, unlike other recently released data, this survey was conducted after the resolution of the disputed presidential election and the signing of the Bilateral Security Agreement between Afghanistan and the United States. Both may have brightened the public mood, despite continued difficulties in terms of development and security alike. For more in-depth r...

ABC News Afghanistan Broadcast Based on ACSOR Data »

...ns and a softening of criticisms of the United States and NATO. But many challenges remain: complaints about official corruption are higher than ever, views of the United States’ performance remain weak and many Afghans still blame allied forces for civilian casualties. This is the fifth installment of this broadcast. ABC News’ 2005 broadcast of its “Afghanistan: Where Things Stand” poll was recognized by the University of Iowa/Gallup Award for Ex...

The Asia Foundation Releases Afghan Opinion Poll Data Collected by ACSOR-Surveys »

...m June 12 to July 2, 2008 with a sample size of 6,593 and a margin of error of plus or minus 2.4%. An important contribution to the discourse on conditions in Afghanistan, the results are widely covered by the international press. Results have been reported by the World Politics Review, AFP,Los Angeles Times, The Times of London, Arab Times, The Hindustan Times, The Baltimore Sun, The International Herald Tribune, The Chicago Tribune, CTV,Globe an...

The Asia Foundation Releases 2015 Survey of the Afghan People »

...ccurring on Twitter, marked with #AfghanSurvey. The past year has been a challenging one for Afghanistan, and this is reflected in this year’s findings. 2015 has seen economic decline, heightened Taliban activity, and the emergence of Da’esh (ISIS) following the withdrawal of most U.S. and NATO forces at the end of 2014. The survey was conducted in the midst of the country’s deadliest fighting season since the Intervention in 2001, which saw heavy...

Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) in Afghanistan »

...stems, Inc. and Research Control Solutions (RCS). A team of 49 male and female local interviewers collected data on smartphones using the Research Control Solutions software. Interviews were conducted in Dari and Pashto with 470 male and female Kabulis over the age of 18. This exciting development means that urban surveys in Afghanistan can now be conducted on mobile devices as well as with pen and paper. RCS surveys can also be administered via t...

Asia Foundation Releases 2019 Survey of the Afghan People »

...rstanding of Afghan views.” The survey has received coverage in international news media, including The New York Times, Reuters, and The Miami Herald, as well as in Afghan media such as Tolo News. Conversation about the survey findings has been taking place across Twitter and other social media platforms, marked with the hashtag #AfghanSurvey. The Survey was fielded during a period of uncertainty in Afghanistan: peace talks between the U.S. and th...

Asia Foundation Afghan Survey by ACSOR Released »

...vinces with a sample size of 6,406 and a margin of error of plus or minus 1.22%. The full results are available here. In addition to being covered by a wide variety of international news outlets such as Newsweek, AFP, Reuters and The Taipei Times the survey findings were featured on PBS News’ Online NewsHour....